Monday, May 20, 2013

Nepal Expected to Reach Drinking Water MDG

Community water filter in Nepal

A joint press statement released by the United Nations Development Program and the government of Nepal announced that Nepal is slated to reach its Millennium Development Goal target of improved drinking water facilities. Nepal has made remarkable progress over the last 12 years; however, there is still some way to go. Safe drinking water is closely linked to sanitation, yet one third of people in Nepal still do not have access to sanitation facilities. Those without access often live in poor, rural communities, isolated from modern facilities. 
In order to improve progress in drinking water access and sanitation nationwide, several groups are committed to bringing tools and knowledge to rural villages. RIDS Nepal, a partner of Friends of Humanity, outfits rural communities with its “Family of Four” initiative, which installs solar power, smokeless stoves, pit latrines, and drinking water systems in all of the village homes. RIDS works with local communities to carry out the installation processes, and trains community members in maintenance and repairs so as to ensure self-sufficiency should something break. While there is still a long way to go in ensuring all of Nepal has access to safe drinking water, the efforts to close the gap have had significant success in water access and other areas.
Nepal is also slated to meet MDG targets for reducing the proportion of people below the national poverty line, achieving 100 percent enrollment in primary education, and reducing child and maternal morality. While other MDG targets, including achieving full and productive employment, reducing hunger, and improving the environment, are further from reach, there are still 1,000 days remaining to accelerate action before the deadline for the MDG Goals in Nepal.
To learn more about Friends of Humanity’s contribution to improving drinking water access in Nepal, click here.

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